Andrew Koltek, Lions Gate Stanchion Portrait
Angela Adams, Donabate
Austen Rawle, The Shard
Boris Keller, Chicago Old & New
Carl Young, Tower 3, Malibu 2021
David Griffith, St. Johns Bridge
David Quinn, By the Shore 4
Douglas Hill, Three Topiary, Alameda St, Chinatown (2021)
Ed Hamilton, Heart
Eliot Allen, Portland No. 203
Jo Scheder, Empty Uptown, Rockford
Jon McCabe, County Road 400
Judith Leckrone Lee, Dogwood Tree in June, Seattle
Kate Ampersand, Salt Marsh Structure
Ken Kosakoff, Structural Integrity
Ken Gamble, Vaulted Chambers & Painted Landscape
Lara Davenport, Arches Over the James
Luke Yost, From Your Porch to My World
Matt Harrison, Sun Has Set Santa Monica Pier
Michael Marlitt, Sierras 2, California 2021
Patrick Aalto, Gator Pond Sunset
Philip Malkin, Untitled #45
Raffaele Canepa, NYC Downtown
Richard Flansburg, Glen Ellyn
Sarah Lilja, Arches National Park
Jonas St. Juste, Soma #2
Stella Spyrou, Up and Down
Stuart Mark Hayes, Untitled
Terry Byrne, No Trains
Terry Towery, Near Kinbane Castle